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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Network Marketing Skills You Must Have

Network Marketing Skills You Must Have

By now, you must have realized that succeeding in network marketing is not only difficult but time consuming as well. For those who have found success, kudos to you! For the still struggling members, keep trying! Don’t ever give up!
Network Marketing SkillsToday’s agenda is to enlighten my readers about few essential network marketing skills.
Each business is about skills and since we are associated in some way with the network marketing industry, it is best for those in the online money earning business to learn and practice these skills. What are these?

Phoning Skills

Do you slam the phone down when a salesman calls and says, “Sir, we sell X product, it has X and Y advantages, are you interested in buying?”
Probability says, you will feel irritated and cut the line. Would you like the same happening with you? Don’t worry, I am not talking about making cold calls but about those calls that you should positively make after you have made a list of people who are genuinely interested in buying products from you. You can come across these people through references, online social media propaganda, and any other methods you are using.
Then instead of waiting for the people to contact you, it’s best to take the first initiative and call them. Now comes the most important part – what do you say? Obviously, the usual answer is, “we talk about the product” right?
Nope! If you directly talk about the product, then what’s the difference between you and the salesman who wants to sell you credit cards from X and Y bank?
Always remember to give importance to personal and informal interaction. Talk to the person as you would to someone whom you know beforehand. I know it is difficult to break the ice over the phone but keep in mind; there is no fear of rejection here as the potential buyer expressed interests themselves.
It’s time to polish your phoning skills! Strike up mock conversations over the phone with business associates or with family members. Practice! Practice! Practice! When you are comfortable, i will reflect on your communication with the other person.

Self Branding and Online Lead Generation

Let me ask you – are you in network marketing for the long haul or you just want to make some quick money and leave? It’s good if you opt for the first option! I have been repeatedly saying that network marketing is not easy at all…
And the steps you can take to succeed with this is to build your online credibility. In other words, brand yourself online.
Why? Sooner or later, you are going to feel stagnant when you don’t make sales. I mean, how long can friends and family buy from you? You need to broaden your horizon. Get online, create a blog, and start marketing!
You might feel that this idea is so boring. Of course, hundreds of others are doing the same thing. But think like this – hundreds of others are doing the same thing but only FEW people find recognition.
Of course, blogging is not the only way. Create accounts in Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Digg and many more social networking sites. You have to make the accounts both personal and professional at the same time.
Devote enough time to create an attractive profile. Again, the secret of being noticed online and branding yourself is to BE DIFFERENT. Don’t just blog about the same things like others are doing and also don’t write about the products you are promoting in a non – interesting manner.


If you work on them diligently, I assure you that within the next 6 months, you will be able to create online leads, which again, with your soft skills, you will be able to turn the leads into sales.
What did we learn? PROMOTE yourself! MARKET yourself! And do this intelligently, creatively and with perseverance. Never be a quitter! Give the work your best input.

Practice Discipline and Management

I know many of us do not think personal discipline and management to be a ‘skill’ literally, but believe me, it is.
In network marketing, you have to plan your targets days, weeks, and months in advance but also keeping the door of flexible changes open.
It is easier to get bored, frustrated, irritated, and lethargic when you don’t see any sales in your account whereas others seem to possess the magic wand of instant sales.
Do you feel the same? Good! It means you are human.
Remember this lesson forever. Generating sales is entirely dependent on you. How you maneuver and turn leads into sales is your call. It depends on your persuasive power, your discipline and your management qualities.
One of the useful and often ‘gladly’ forgotten skills is to SET TARGETS. Yes, you do set targets but do you follow them? It is an easy plan and most difficult to follow. Our networking marketing field is such that people have the tendency to keep pending work for tomorrow and ‘tomorrow’ never comes.
Please, it is a request from a fellow marketer not to have this lackadaisical attitude. As a result, it is ONLY YOUR LOSS. No sales = No profit.
Self – motivation is the best motivation. A motivator can inspire you, motivate you and guide you but whether you really ‘want’ to stay motivated and work towards attaining your goal, you need to keep yourself self – motivated 24×7.


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