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Thursday, December 28, 2017

4 Highly Effective – Strategic Styles of Emails

4 Highly Effective – Strategic Styles of Emails

I don’t know about you but I’m getting a little tired of opening my email to read poorly constructed pieces of copy that some hard seller thinks I will actually take action on; telling me to buy this product or I need that product, not offering a single ounce of valuable content to even remotely pique my interest. You might ask me why I open them at all? I’m intrigued and I study them, reinforcing the education I have learned about the value of writing to my subscribers.
4 Highly Effective - Strategic Styles of EmailsListen. Once you’ve obtained a subscriber’s name and e-mail address, you’d better take care of it. You can lose it in a heart beat if you’re not careful. These are your targeted subscribers who wanted what you had to offer in the first place. Now, give them all you’ve got.
Sending regular e-mails that contain valuable information that your subscriber can use is the best way to gain trust and credibility. It shows your subscriber that you are legitimate and looking out for their best interest. Of course, the ultimate goal here is to sell what you’re offering, but just spreading your links all over the place is not adding any value or reinforcing the fact you even care.

By integrating these 4 styles of emails, you will acquire both trust and credibility much faster while putting cash in your pocket at the same time:

1. Content.

Contributing tons of valuable information about your product, service and market that are of interest to your subscribers using; articles, current news, stories, discounts, alerting them of new and improved versions, videos, audios, presentations, answering questions, PDF’s, instructional and training materials.

2. Offering free gifts-bonuses.

Give away free e-books, reports or linking them to a web site with a free video or audio you recently seen or heard you know your subscribers will pull value from.
Create a 7-Day “How to E-Course.” Send your subscriber a quote or inspirational thought of the day or week. Send them a joke to brighten their day.

3. Affiliate products or services.

Recommend specific products or services that enhance your product or would be useful to your subscriber. Make sure the affiliate you sign up with offers a great product and guarantee. It would be in your best interest to have purchased these products and services to actually know first hand they do what they claim too.

4. Selling your own product or service.

Of course you want to promote your own stuff. If you believe in what you have to offer is the best solution for your subscriber’s need or problem, be confident about it. Tell them what it can do, how it can change their life . . . don’t be afraid.
By applying these four styles of e-mails allows the subscriber to feel confident when they receive an email from you. By delivering your subscriber value through your content, giving away freebies, recommending affiliate products/services that would add value and selling
your own stuff, gives your subscriber a choice. He or she will gain trust in you, and look forward to hearing what you have to say and recommend.
Writing emails to your subscribers should not be a struggle when done properly. It’s not all about sell, sell, sell. It’s all about give, give, recommend, sell and give some more.


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